Dream Work

Dream work and Interpretation

Dream Interpretation and Lucid Dreaming

I love dreams! I especially love the way our dreams speak the language of our subconscious mind.

Traditionally, dreams have been considered a form of spiritual guidance, and they should still be considered as such. When else can you find yourself in such a deep connection with your subconscious mind?

With the help of an intuitive dream worker and dream coach, you can learn to interpret the messages that appear to you as you explore the brink of consciousness each night. You can also learn to use your dreams to create the life you desire. I call this Dreamscaping!

Mapping the Psyche.

Sleep is a massive part of our life; we spend 8 hours a night (a third of our lives) in the sleep state, which equates to thousands upon thousands of important messages transmitted to you in the language of symbols.

Sleep and dreams help us restore and prepare for the challenges of waking life. However, the messages we receive through our dreams are often not so easy to understand.

Dreamwork can help you map your psyche and uncover the many layers of information within your unique dream language.

Dreamwork can be divided into two types.

Dream Interpretation

In psychotherapy, dreamwork is commonly known as dream interpretation or dream analysis, where symbols from the dream are analysed and interpreted.

Lucid Dreaming or Dream Yoga

Secondarily it is also a practised yoga tradition known to many in the western world as lucid dreaming. Monks might traditionally practice enhancing their spiritual practice through the recitation of mantras in the dream state.

What I love about Dreamscaping is that it goes much deeper than just naming the meanings of symbols; it is the process of exploring dreams that occur during sleep to determine their deeper psychological impact.

Your Dream Language

Your dreams appear as information from the psyche or subconscious mind that arises to help you process life’s events.

Your dream language is different from our waking language. Your subconscious mind speaks through the use of symbols.

When you dream, each symbol has a specific and unique meaning for you that exists within the context of your own life. For this reason, other people can not interpret your dream without your input and understanding of your circumstances and emotional experience.

Your psyche can also access and transmit archetypal information stored within the conscious collective and present these as symbols in your dreams to help you connect with some of the more profound issues that are affecting humanity.

Generally, we are blind to our dreams’ deeper meanings as some of the content is beyond what we are consciously able to acknowledge.

Every dream holds a message about your waking life. Working with a dream therapist can help you see what unusual gifts there are hidden in your dreams.

Dreamwork can help with:

  • Anxiety
  • Decision Making
  • Life Direction
  • Self-confidence, Self-worth and Self-esteem issues
  • Motivation
  • Spiritual Growth and development

Listen to Kristen’s podcast interview with Nova 100’s Wise Guides.

Interpret your dreams with Kristen.

Understand yourself at a deeper level by allowing me to teach you to map your dreams.

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